18 WWE Attitude Era Midcarders That Deserve Hall Of Fame

15. Bradshaw

In 2004, John Bradshaw Layfield captured the WWE Championship by defeating Eddie Guerrero at Great American Bash. In the process, he solidified his claim for a spot in the Hall of Fame, which will likely come his way sooner or later. But before he donned the white cowboy hat and adopted the persona of a New York businessman, Bradshaw was a kickass beer-drinker of the Acolyte Protection Agency. Throughout the Attitude Era, Bradshaw and partner Faarooq would dish out punishment to fellow WWE Superstars as the most feared tag team in the sport. For others, they provided protection. That is, for the right price.

As popular as they were, bruisers who got off on dealing cards and ass-kickings, there was a time when they were not the wild fan favorites that they would become. As one of the enforcers of The Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness, Bradshaw was key to keeping The Big Show, Mankind, Ken Shamrock and Steve Austin away from The Phenom. And in the process, he found himself and his partner at odds with The Brood, leading to an understated rivalry between the factions that dominated early 1999.

A wrestler in the mold of Stan Hansen, Bradshaw was a rugged, take-no-prisoners Superstar who looked the part, intimidated his peers as much as he did the fans and went on the achieve tremendous things as a singles worker. His entry into the Hall is but a question of "when," not "if."


Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.