19 Big Predictions For CM Punk's Career In UFC

16. He Will Fight At Welterweight

CM Punk is small for a WWE guy, but he's still a pretty big dude. €œI€™m not ruling out 170 but 185 is most likely the target,€ he has said about what UFC division he'll be fighting in. One thing that he also noted is how easy he found it just to cut some weight he'd put on over the summer. That made him think that a bigger weight cut could be a possibilty - he's currently seeking out a nutritionist to see just how light he could get. There'll also be an upcoming test weight cut which will show him what he realistically could be fighting at. Middlweight seems to be the popular suggestion, with Punk more naturally being 170lbs to 185lbs. The thing is, can you really imagine this guy matching up with big hitters like Chris Weidman? Punk would be much better advised to cut weight and fight at welterweight if he can. Then pile back on all the weight after the weigh-in and use that as an advantage against his opponent.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.