19 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Fastlane 2019

8. WWE Ran The Risk Of Turning Mustafa Ali Heel

Daniel Bryan Mustafa Ali

Mustafa Ali was inserted as the third wheel in Daniel Bryan's latest WWE Title defence against the returning Kevin Owens. Though the match ended up being hot and got the crowd on side eventually, it's fair to say that WWE bosses took a minor risk here.

Fans in Cleveland wanted Kofi Kingston so badly that they indirectly sh*t all over Ali's opportunity. The risk here was that WWE could easily have turned Mustafa heel by accident for being the latest babyface to encroach on Kofi's big chance.

KO can get away with it, but Ali? Not so much.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.