19 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Fastlane 2019

2. "Hey, Guess What? Screw You!"

Charlotte Flair Becky Lynch

Charlotte Flair vs. a hobbling Becky Lynch was very one-sided before Ronda Rousey deliberately caused the DQ and turned her 'Mania match into a Triple Threat. Before that, Flair had something to tell the fans in the front few rows.

"Hey, guess what? Screw you", she cried out as a fan cheered for Becky. It was easy to miss this. The announcers were bickering back and forth, and the ringside cameras picked up a ton of crowd noise due to their proximity.

Charlotte is way better as a heel, and this is why.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.