19 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (Aug 23)

5. Why None Of This Made Sense

Jinder Mahal Veer Shanky

Then, Mansoor beat Jinder Mahal by disqualification when the p*ssed off heel ignored the referee's five count and continued to pound on Mustafa Ali's student. Entering the ring, Ali chewed out Mansoor for not "doing things his way". Meanwhile, Jinder, Veer and Shanky smiled from the ramp.


None of that made sense. Mansoor wasn't to blame for Jinder losing his cool and getting DQ'd. Also, why were the heels happy? Jinder lost the match, and he couldn't really afford another defeat after being humiliated by Drew McIntyre at SummerSlam.

This booking sucked.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.