19 WTF Moments From TNA Impact (Oct 7)

Will Awesome Kong be the new TNA World Champ? Please?

With the dust settling following Matt Hardy's TNA World Title win at Bound for Glory, this week's Impact should've built on establishing Hardy's reign moving forward as the new face of the company...but instead it made BFG seem almost completely pointless. Yes, this week's Impact is one of the stranger broadcasts of a major wrestling show in recent memory, something of a mystery ahead of its airing considering that there weren't any clear segments from taping reports which had been recorded but not aired yet. Dixie Carter and Billy Corgan may have a plan up their sleeve, but it's hard not to feel like this is the final beginning of the end for TNA after so many other screw-ups suggesting they're just barely clinging to life. With their upcoming tours in India and the UK, TNA may have their TV schedule all mapped out for the next few months, but they've still got to find a new network when Destination America reportedly ditches them in February, and that's surely not going to be easy. This week's show was a sad, weird and occasionally entertaining reminder that this is a company in their death throes, and short of a miracle, TNA unfortunately isn't long for this world. Here are 19 WTF moments from this week's Impact...

19. That Terrible Green Screen

Perhaps because this week's Impact was probably cobbled together at the very last minute, this week the cutaways to Pope and Josh weren't filmed backstage at the Impact Zone but in front of a hilariously lame-looking green screen, with a bunch of unconvincing CGI nonsense sat behind them. Sure, given that much of the show had them talking about tournament brackets, it kinda makes sense for there to be a visual element on the screen, but we probably could've done without those cheesy, low-quality CGI floor tiles, walls and pillars. Sure, TNA aren't exactly flush with cash, but come on!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.