2 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 4)


7. 50/50

Sheamus Ridge Holland Cesaro

Right, who did this help?

Ricochet pinned Ridge Holland so easily, then WWE quickly shoved together a tag match involving Sheamus and Cesaro. In that, Holland "got his heat back" by pinning the Swiss wrestling machine. Basically, nobody came out of this any further forward than they had been going in.

It was pointless, in other words. Surely it would've been better to see Rico and Ridge put on a 10-minute banger? Yours truly has no issues with Ricochet winning (he could use a win or two), but there was a way to do it without making Holland look like 'Iron' Mike Sharpe in the mid-90s.

50/50 booking has been a consistent pain in the t*ts on WWE programming since forever. It really isn't much to ask that these writers come up with ways to script match results that motor characters/stories/feuds forwards.

They can't please everybody all the time.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.