20 Best Wrestling Ladder Matches Ever

Who would have imagined that watching people climb ladders could be so thrilling?

Still to this day, the man perhaps most synonymous with the idea of the Ladder Match is Shawn Michaels. According to Bret Hart, it is he who first brought the idea to Vince McMahon's attention, but it's hard to argue that Michaels has become the performer most fans closely associate with ladders in wrestling. Of course, the idea of hanging a title belt or object above the ring - only accessible by one wrestler sufficiently beating down his opponent enough to climb a ladder and retrieve it - has evolved over the years. WWE have been the main proponents of the match type, introducing more participants into the mayhem, and even constructing entire Pay-Per-View events around the core concept. This list aims to take into account some of the absolute best Ladder Matches to have ever taken place. Naturally, a lot of the same names do keep popping up, but in the interest of keeping things as varied as possible (whilst still sticking true to the 'best' premise) not every Money In The Bank match will be included. Truth be told, part of the reasoning for that is because there have been so many other deserving candidates that have displayed true creativity.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.