20 Best Wrestling Ladder Matches Ever

9. The Rock vs. Triple H (SummerSlam 1998)

There was a time when the Intercontinental Title was treated as the kind of belt that could help prepare talent for moving up the ladder of success (pun intended) towards the WWF Heavyweight gold. In the eyes of many fans, the Intercontinental Title represented the future, and often produced the best matches on any given show, certainly when the likes of Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels were competing for it in the early-90's. Fast forward to the late-90's, and Vince McMahon was hoping lightning could strike again with names such as The Rock and Triple H, both of whom management had extremely high hopes for. Going head-to-head at Summerslam 1998, the pair would later main event many Pay-Per-Views for the 'bigger' title, but showed just how crucial the Intercontinental strap was by putting their bodies on the line to secure it at Summerslam. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x4fmgh_triple-h-vs-the-rock-ic-title-ladde_sport Just watching the action makes it abundantly clear that both guys had futures at the top of the industry. In '98, nobody could have predicted that just a few years later The Rock would be knocking on the doors of Hollywood, but it was obvious he had the talent to be a major player. Triple H was right there with him in putting together this classic.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.