20 Best Wrestling Moments That Ever Happened In February

16. 3 Stages Of Hell - 2001

Nwo Feb 2002 Return

In late-2000, it was revealed that Triple H had been the mastermind behind convincing Rikishi to run down Steve Austin with a car in late-1999.

It was all a bit sudden, shifting Austin's focus from the big Samoan to his old rival, HHH, but the feud did bring about one of the most memorable spins on the two-out-of-three-fall scenario.

Austin vs. Triple H was dubbed the '3 Stages Of Hell', and the pair contested a standard one-fall match, a Street Fight and a Steel Cage Match, all in one night at No Way Out, in February, 2001.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.