20 Best Wrestling Moments That Ever Happened In March
Icon vs Icon.

Infamous Roman general, Julius Caesar was once told to 'beware the ides of March' by a soothsayer, and the phrase became even more meaningful when the emperor was assassinated on March 15, in the year 44 BC. For this reason, the date has become synonymous with tradition, making it all the more poignant that Wrestlemania - the biggest date on the pro wrestling calendar - was first aired in the month of March.
Obviously, this was entirely by coincidence, but wrestling's own Caesar, Vince McMahon created something special with the concept of 'Mania, and it's the one event almost everybody looks forward to annually. Outside of the WWE bubble, there have been several special moments happening in March down throughout the years, taking place in other companies too.
However, even with such outside activity, Wrestlemania clearly dominates the headlines here - it'd be foolish to look past all the timeless moments which have taken place when 'Mania is held in March, and this list is bursting at the seams with famous and classic events.
In the UK at least, March may still be lodged firmly in that strange place between Winter and Spring, as it seems nature can't make its mind up whether or not it's cold or warm, but there's always that ever-dependable pro wrestling action to heat things up on those rainy days!
20. Bret Hart And Steve Austin Double Turn - 1997

Drama, action, brawling, holds, submissions and blood, this match at Wrestlemania 13 had it all, and March 23, 1997 is where the Attitude Era really started to take shape.