20 Best WWE Matches Of The Decade (So Far)

1. CM Punk Vs. Brock Lesnar - SummerSlam 2013

WWE promoted this showdown as 'The Best versus The Beast'. Of course Brock Lesnar took umbrage with that, since he felt The Beast was the best. Either way, their match was built up superbly, with some great promo work by Heyman and Punk and a couple of phenomenal sit-down interviews courtesy of Lesnar. The match was, essentially, everything that is good about professional wrestling. It was believable, it told a great story, it had drama, their timing was great, it was inventive...the list goes on and on. This was a case of two guys going out there, holding nothing back and just rocking the house. Lesnar may only wrestle a couple of matches per year but when he does he is fully committed to making them the best they can be. He goes to work. Punk is no slouch, either, and probably welcomed the challenge of working with Brock for the first time. Brock dominated Punk for large stretches, throwing him around at will. Punk had to use his resourcefulness and take chances in order to catch a reprieve or hurt Lesnar. There were superb counters and believeable near-falls, too. In the end, Lesnar got the duke when he F5'd Punk on a chair, following interference from that dastardly Heyman. This is the match that WWE should have brought Lesnar back into the company with; a David versus Goliath story with a Lesnar victory. Best match of the decade, so far.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...