20 Best WWE Survivor Series Matches Ever

4. WWE (The Rock, The Undertaker, Kane, Chris Jericho & Big Show) vs. WCW/ECW Alliance (Stone Cold, Kurt Angle, Booker T, Rob Van Dam & Shane McMahon) - Survivor Series 2001

Though history reflects back to the WCW/ECW Invasion and frowns, it would be remiss to discount its impact. Critically admonished as it may be today, the Invasion was a lot of fun back in 2001. Sometimes, it is good to remember what it was like to just be that old casual, €œhabitual€ fan that enjoyed wrestling for what it was. WWE vs. WCW was absolutely awesome in that mindset. The feud had two high points €“ the first being Summerslam 2001 with Rock vs. Booker, Angle vs. Austin (in Stone Cold€™s best and most believable heel outing), Hardy vs. RVD, and a host of inspired undercard matches; the second being the 2001 Survivor Series. Creatively, it did not always work, but it felt like something huge was at stake in the Elimination Tag match that concluded the Alliance€™s quest to overtake the WWE. After a night of immunity and unification, some of the most significant stars of that or any era took the stage. It was a thoroughly enjoyable performance that stands the test of time as one of the best matches in Survivor Series lore. In the end, it came down to Rock vs. Austin€and it was almost fitting, was it not? The Monday Night War had become less a battle for ratings and more an internal competition for who would emerge as the top star of all-time. WCW had lost their battle in the proverbial war long before they got bought out by WWE.

"The Doc" Chad Matthews has written wrestling columns for over a decade. A physician by trade, Matthews began writing about wrestling as a hobby, but it became a passion. After 30 years as a wrestling fan, "The Doc" gives an unmatched analytical perspective on pro wrestling in the modern era. He is a long-time columnist for Lordsofpain.net and hosts a weekly podcast on the LOP Radio Network called "The Doc Says." His first book - The WrestleMania Era: The Book of Sports Entertainment - ranks the Top 90 wrestlers from 1983 to present day, was originally published in December 2013, and is now in its third edition. Matthews lives in North Carolina with his wife, two kids, and two dogs.