20 Greatest Losing Performances At WrestleMania

15. Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior €“ WrestleMania 6

Heading into WrestleMania 6, Hulk Hogan was carrying the WWF Championship and riding the wave of being the top draw in wrestling since 1983. Intercontinental Champion, The Ultimate Warrior, was hot on his heels though. The two Superstars, who relied heavily on showmanship, met at WrestleMania 6 in a Clash of the Titans style war. For over twenty minutes, Hogan and Warrior exchanged strikes, slams, and even submission holds. Neither man wanted to lose ground to the other. It took a show of resilience from Warrior to get out of the way when Hogan seemingly had him finished. It was the only mistake Hogan made all match, but it was the most costly. Warrior connected with his splash and Hogan tried to kick out, but he was a hair too late, losing the match and the WWF Championship.

Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.