20 Greatest Wrestling Documentaries Ever

3. Louis Theroux Weird Weekends: Wrestling (1999)

Wrestling With Shadows Vince Bret

If there's one thing British film-maker Louis Theroux has shown over the course of his career, it's that he's not afraid to get his hands dirty. In July of 1999, the gangly, awkward Theroux released a documentary on pro wrestling during the second season of his Weird Weekends series.

In a nice twist, Theroux didn't choose to look at the WWF (probably because they wanted nothing to do with him). Instead, he explored numerous independent groups in the United States while also spending some time with WCW at the Power Plant training facility. It's there that the film truly starts to shine, especially when the non-wrestler is put through the paces during one of the notoriously difficult training sessions.

What makes the documentary so interesting is that it highlights just how pro wrestling exists in its own world away from reality. Even when talking to WCW's production staff, Theroux seems confused by the heavy schedule and the fact that wrestling seems to be a travelling carnival.

This is the kind of documentary that even non-wrestling fans would enjoy, although those who know the industry inside and out will laugh often. Moments like Theroux attempting to converse with established characters like Roddy Piper and Randy Savage are must-see for their sheer awkwardness.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.