20 Greatest Wrestling Documentaries Ever

1. Hitman Hart: Wrestling With Shadows (1998)

Wrestling With Shadows Vince Bret

Initially, Wrestling With Shadows was supposed to be nothing more than an in-depth look at Bret Hart's final months in the WWF. All set to jump to WCW, Hart was having second thoughts, and expresses trepidation over whether or not he's doing the right thing. Suddenly, the film-makers receive a box-office blessing.

The 'Montreal Screwjob' from the 1997 Survivor Series has become one of the single most infamous incidents in modern pro wrestling history. Unable to come to terms with Vince McMahon over losing the WWF Heavyweight Title before moving to his new promotion, Hart was cruelly conspired against by both peers and friends like.

Both sides must take some portion of the blame for things getting so out of hand, but Wrestling With Shadows is obviously biased in Bret's favour because it's his film.

At the time, there was no other documentary that lifted the lid on backstage dealings in wrestling's largest organisation. That makes Wrestling With Shadows essential, the kind of doc that fans can re-watch over and over again, finding something different each time.

What other wrestling documentaries would you consider the best? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.