20 Greatest WWE Taunts

10. Cactus Jack - Bang Bang!

Cactus Jack was the maniacal daredevil of late-eighties WCW, but he took his most famous taunt from the new wave rock group The B-52€™s and their famous hit €œLove Shack€. Towards the end of the song, the phrase €œBang, bang, bang, on the door baby€ is repeated. It came into his head one match, he just let it flow for the camera, and stuck from there. The finger gun action was there right from the start, and became an iconic part of the Cactus Jack character. It€™s important for Foley to have signifiers for which character he€™s playing. If you see the knee wiggle it€™s Dude Love, if you see one arm raised it€™s Mankind, and if you see him flash two finger guns, then its unmistakably Cactus Jack.
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