20 Greatest WWE Taunts

17. Heath Slater - Air Guitar

Since he was introduced to the WWE Universe as part of the first season of NXT, Heath Slater has gone out of his way to be one of the most entertaining parts of whatever show he was on. He was consistently the punching bag of The Nexus, and in the run up to Raw 1000, he got beat up by a different legend every week culiminating at the big show where he got beat up by a cadre of former WWE stars. There€™s always a place for the high-profile jobber in professional wrestling, and Heath Slater could go down in history as one of the best ever. His unearned confidence endeared him to the crowds, and his cocky hip swivel and air guitar is just the right sort of goofy that fans can€™t help but love the One Man Southern Rock Band.
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