20 Mind Blowing WWE Facts About John Cena

6. The AA Is Actually A F*** Y** Version Of The F5

The AA, or Attitude Adjustment, is John Cena's trademark finishing move. But it actually started life out as the FU, which stood of course for the F*** Y**. The move was originated as a contrast to Brock Lesnar's F5. Lesnar was the big thing in WWE at the start of 2003, whereas Cena was the unproven lower card worker. WWE decided to match Brock vs Cena at Backlash 2003 for the title, hence why Cena came up with the FU name and similar finishing move to the F5. When WWE then decided to make Cena more of a kid friendly character, they did away with the FU name and called it the AA. Literally, an attitude adjustment for the company.
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