20 Mind Blowing WWE Facts About John Cena

1. Greatest Ever ?

John Cena's status as an all time great is certified. But could he yet end up as the greatest ever? He's only 37 years old and has at least another five years in the WWE main event scene. After that he might be more likely to take up The Undertaker style schedule, with main events every now and again. It seems inevitable that he'll headline more WrestleMania shows and win more championships along the way. What's remarkable is that he's already on 15 Championships. That means with his next title win, he'll be equalling the legendary Ric Flair's sixteen world titles. If Cena then makes it to 17 titles, he'll officially be the most decorated champion in wrestling history. Yes, he achieved many of his titles in an era of two championships, but only three of his reigns were with the World title. He's been the WWE Champion and main title holder on thirteen occasions. Whether all the gold legitimises him as the greatest ever is another argument. In the ring, he continues to be criticised. But there's little doubting his impact and achievements on every other aspect of the business. It will be interesting to see how the autumn of his career plays out, with the title of "greatest ever" possibly being up for grabs.
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John Cena
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