20 More Surprising WWE Facts You Probably Didn't Know
Learn how Ric Flair flair was The Big Boss Man before the real one...

A while back, I wrote an article detailing 30 Surprising WWE Facts You Probably Didn’t Know, and actually managed to throw up some tidbits of information and scraps of geeky wrestling history that some of you weren’t previously aware of.
Because I’m a glutton for punishment, bound and determined to ruin everything good that happens to me, I thought I’d take another bite at the biscuit and give you a further little list of WWE-centric facts and minutiae that nobody but us would ever care about.
This time I’ve gone for a little more of an old school twist, and gone back a few more years into the WWF/E’s past. Let’s see how au fait you horrible lot are with the Ghost Of Wrestling Trivia Past.
Oh, and just to forestall the inevitable nitpicking: yes, a couple of these miscellaneous snippets date back to before a specific wrestler joined the WWF/E. Let’s just say that as long as a surprising fact has a link to the company, it’s fair game. Fair enough? Let’s get stuck in, then.
20. Eddie Guerrero Used The Frog Splash As A Tribute

Ever since Latino Heat’s tragic death eleven years ago, people have been co-opting the Frog Splash in tribute to him - from his nephew Chavo, to Rey Mysterio, even down to Sasha Banks this year.
It’s a finishing move associated with Guerrero throughout the height of his popularity - but it wasn’t actually originally his finish.
Just as his friends, family and those influenced by him have taken on the Frog Splash as an homage to a wrestler that meant the world to them, so Guerrero took on the move to honour the memory of his former tag team partner Art Bar.
Barr died in November 1994 of unknown causes, but scuttlebutt (like gossip in a funhouse mirror) has it that years of drug and steroid abuse caused a massive coronary event. That’s not dissimilar to the heart attack that killed Guerrero himself, eleven years later.
Eleven years… eleven years… someone go and put Chavo on a heart monitor for the rest of 2016, just to be safe.