20 Most Epic Wrestling Matches That Weren't Supposed To Be Epic

9. Jake Roberts vs. Randy Savage (This Tuesday In Texas 1991)

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1l4gb_wwf-randy-savage-vs-jake-roberts_sport Not a single other match on this countdown was as personal as the late 1991 encounter between Macho Man and Jake €œThe Snake.€ Roberts had gotten involved with Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth during their wedding reception at Summerslam €™91, bringing a king cobra in a gift box to frighten the €œFirst Lady of Wrestling€ and ultimately goad Savage out of retirement. If you think back to 1991, you might still be able to feel the heat bubbling back to the surface from that feud. It left an impression; that is for sure. Roberts was in his element as the dastardly heel and he brought out the very best in Savage as a babyface. Recall that it was prior to This Tuesday in Texas that Roberts unleashed his snake to bite Savage€™s arm while he was tied up in the ropes, noticeably drawing blood in the process as the cobra would not release. After that incident, Roberts vs. Savage was a white hot feud in need of a PPV to settle the considerable score. It lasted just 7-minutes, but it was the most intense 7-minute match that has ever been wrestled in WWE. Unfortunately, we never did get to see what they could do in a feature length bout.

"The Doc" Chad Matthews has written wrestling columns for over a decade. A physician by trade, Matthews began writing about wrestling as a hobby, but it became a passion. After 30 years as a wrestling fan, "The Doc" gives an unmatched analytical perspective on pro wrestling in the modern era. He is a long-time columnist for Lordsofpain.net and hosts a weekly podcast on the LOP Radio Network called "The Doc Says." His first book - The WrestleMania Era: The Book of Sports Entertainment - ranks the Top 90 wrestlers from 1983 to present day, was originally published in December 2013, and is now in its third edition. Matthews lives in North Carolina with his wife, two kids, and two dogs.