20 Most Iconic WWE Wrestlers Of All Time

16. Mick Foley

Whereas Daniel Bryan has an everyman quality that fans can easily connect with, so too does Mick Foley. Sure, we've seen him pull his own hair out, wear torture-style masks, rock uncomfortably back and forth, talk up his love of violence, show an affinity for barbwire, and get thrown off the top of a cell... but still, Mick Foley has the ability to connect with every fan in any arena he's ever performed in. Foley is an icon of the Attitude Era, being one the tops stars of the hottest time in professional wrestling. He was the lovable loser with a penchant for violence that fans couldn't help but root for. He was no pretty boy, he was no 6'10" monster, he was no shredded Adonis of a man, but he could (and regularly would) take a hell of a beating, wearing his bumps, bruises and broken bones as a badge of honour after blowing people's minds with the wince-inducing bumps he'd take. And when it came down to it, we all knew that, despite whatever we saw on screen, Mick Foley was a genuinely nice guy with a heart of gold. In a world of egos, politics and backstabbing, Foley is and was the kind of guy who you just want to cheer for.
Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.