20 Most Overdue WWE Hall Of Fame Inductions

14. Earl Hebner

owen hart hall of fame

Former senior official referee Earl Hebner was the referee for many of the most iconic matches in WWE history. He was responsible for the end of Hulk Hogan's first WWE title run, and he counted the fall when Randy Savage won the same title. He called for the bell during the Montreal Screwjob, and memorably clashed with Triple H when the latter was upset by Chris Jericho. For the most part, if there was a memorable match between 1988 and 2005, Hebner was there.

Why He Isn't In: In 2005, Earl and his non-evil twin Dave were both fired from WWE over - no kidding - under-the-table t-shirt sales. After this acrimonious split, Earl cemented his defection from his previous employer by signing with TNA, becoming THEIR senior official. In 2015, he was inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame, the Light-Heavyweight Championship to WWE's Cruiserweight Championship, and in 2016, he - what else - joined the CTE suit against his former employer.

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Owen Hart
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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.