20 Most Ridiculous WWE Action Figures Ever Released

6. Wildman Marc Mero

It is fair to say that there is far too much focus on the €˜wild€™ part of Mero's name, in comparison to the €˜man€™ part. Whoever decided to sculpt the former Mr Sable€™s eyes based off the gaze that the evil hyenas in the Lion King had, deserves some sort of medal for actually getting this one into the marketplace. If 90s parents wanted to find the toy to give the young wrestling fan in their family nightmares, then they had to look no further than this terrifying work of toy making voodoo. Imagine waking up and rolling over to see this thing staring back at you from your dresser, or bookshelf. We imagine there were a few concussions from kids falling out of the bed, or at the very least there were a few kids starting off their day with a hearty scream of panic.
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Roddy Piper
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Contributor for WhatCulture across the board, and professional student. Sports obsessed. Movie nerd. Wrestling tragic. Historical junkie. I have only loved three things my entire life: my family, Batman, and the All Blacks.