20 Things You Didn't Know About The Undertaker

6. He Feared He Was Going To Debut As "The Eggman"

The Undertaker

Mere weeks before Calaway was locked into The Undertaker gimmick - or rather, Kane the Undertaker - he feared that Vince McMahon actually had other plans for him entirely.

In the months prior to the 1990 Survivor Series, a comically oversized egg was present at WWE TV tapings, culminating in the egg finally hatching at the event and The Gobbledy Gooker - played by Héctor Guerrero - infamously popping out.

But Taker, who was effectively waiting for the call-up from Vince McMahon, saw the egg on TV and came to believe he was being prepped to pop out of it. He said:

"I’m just hanging out, trying to get bookings where I can, and all of the sudden they start this promotion where they've got this giant egg on one of the stages. At that point I had short hair, and I had started growing my hair, so I started having this whole drama in my head like 'Oh man, I’m going to be Eggman' or something like that. He's going to want me to shave my head and my eyebrows; I was just in a panic. This [egg] had nothing to do with me."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.