20 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (Feb 18)

2. Aleister Black’s Undertaker-Style Entrance

Aleister Black

Aleister Black = the love child of The Undertaker and Gangrel. Don't believe us? Just have a gander at his entrance on Raw.

His clasped hands, those candles, that smoke, his lifeless pose and the insinuation he was being raised from the dead was theatrical brilliance; it'll only stand him in good stead with casual fans on the main roster who miss them some 'Taker-style melodrama.

Despite the .GIF making it look like they did, WWE's cameras really didn't linger on Black too long after he was raised from his slumbers. That's something he can work on with the production team going forward.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.