20 Things You Probably Missed From WWE SmackDown (Jan 10)

6. Braun Kicked Out Of The Kinshasa

Shinsuke Nakamura Braun Strowman

Corey Graves tried to excuse Shinsuke Nakamura's failure to get the win off the move above by saying it wasn't a proper Kinshasa. Sorry, it was. Nakamura ran full steam at Braun Strowman, kneed him in the side of the head (that was the only difference; he usually smashes foes in the face) and then picked up a near fall.

Hardly anybody in the arena reacted.

This move didn't fit. The Kinshasa should be painted as a knock-out blow that even the mighty Braun Strowman wouldn't be able to power out of. Here, it came across as a transition between spots rather than a deadly signature.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.