20 UFC Prospects Destined For Big Things In 2020

10. Hakeem Dawodu

After being guillotined in 39 seconds in his UFC debut, it looked like Hakeem Dawodu would become one of the many who fighters to come from another combat sport and fail to live up to the lofty expectations placed on them. However, three impressive wins on the trot and it looks like the featherweight kickboxer is finally showing why so many had high hopes for him.

Firstly, his striking seems to be on another level compared with other fighters in his division. In his last fight against Japanese knockout artist, Yoshinori Horie, Dawodu showed the sort of maturity that had fans excited about him in the first place. Instead of rushing Horie, the 28-year old Canadian bided his time, picked his spots and when it was time to finish the fight, turned up the pace and landed strikes to do so.

There are still some questions regarding his grappling, but that's mostly because fans have barely seen him in a bad position other than his first fight in the Octagon. However, If he's able to continue his progression and get better on the ground, there could be a lot of exciting fights for him in the future.

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Aspen Ladd
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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.