20 Most Unsung Heroes In Wrestling History

18. Nova/Simon Dean

I guess it's fitting for Simon Dean to follow after Dean Malenko, since the character was a rib on Malenko (real name: Dean Simon) in the first place. Alright, so the Dean character didn't really do him any favors, but here's a little known fact for everyone reading this... Mike Bucci, the man behind the Simon Dean and Nova characters, invented every wrestling move known to man. He claims to have invented moves like The Flatliner, Angel's Wings, and others. While it is true that, during his time with ECW, he was the equivalent to a video game create-a-wrestler with what seemed like 20 different moves that could all be finishers if he wanted them to be, there's no way to verify most of his claims. Even with that said, there's no denying the versatility that Bucci wrestled with as Nova. In any given match, you could see him change his moveset and use moves a large portion of the fans had never seen before, and that's worthy of recognition here, especially as independent wrestlers in today's scene utilize that type of moveset more and more.

Columnist/Podcaster/Director at LordsOfPain.net for nearly seven years, with nearly 2000 total columns written. Interviewed and/or involved in interviewing the likes of Tyler Black/Seth Rollins (twice), Diamond Dallas Page, Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, Uhaa Nation and more.