20 Worst Wrestlers In TNA History

4. Big Fat Oily Guy

Proving that they're willing to rip off any WWE concept, no matter how stupid, TNA introduced 'Big Fat Oily Guy', their version of WWE's Big Dick Johnson. Big Fat Oily Guy (seriously cannot believe that was the best they could come up with) got involved in the contemptible feud between Kip James (Billy Gunn) and Christy Hemme, resulting in him taking on Hemme in an evening gown match at Final Resolution 2007.

Oily Guy lost, and was stripped down to a terrifyingly skimpy g-string. It was not a pretty sight. After that, he pretty much (mercifully) disappeared back to his timekeeping role. But the memory still haunts...


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...