Despite the setback of TNA's India tour being canceled last week at the 11th hour, the company's pressing ahead with the pivotal stage of their World Title Series, this week boiling the numbers down from 16 to 8. How long TNA are going to drag it out remains to be seen (with so few matches remaining, it surely can't last more than a few more weeks?) , but you can bet that they'll want to get off to a strong start when they begin airing live (yes, actually live) on the POP Network from January 5th, so a champ will surely be crowned on that show if not before then. Even as TNA will want to get their house in order before they jump ship from Destination America, Impact this week was still rammed full of the commentating gaffes, bizarre finishes and cringe-worthy fans we've all come to expect.
20. Josh Compares EC3 To Ronda Rousey
At the start of the show, Josh asks Pope his prediction for the upcoming EC3-DJZ match, and Pope surprisingly sides with DJZ, to which Josh replies, "Hey, if Ronda Rousey can get beat, anyone can." Sure, EC3 has quite the undefeated streak, but can he really be compared with Rousey, who was legitimately at the apex of her field, whereas EC3 is simply a talented wrestler who's been fairly well-protected in TNA to keep his streak going?
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.