20 WWE Rumours About The Undertaker That Proved To Be Bulls**t

10. Hates Triple H

Stemming from the fact they were on different shows and barely ever crossed paths between 2003 and 2011, rumours always persisted that The Undertaker and Triple H didn't get on. Fans bought into the rumours, after all, it is two of the biggest egos in WWE. You could believe that they may have resented each other. Triple H did actually wrestle on Taker's Smackdown brand in 2008, with the dirtsheets reporting that Taker put heat on him for not putting the blue brand's younger stars over. Rumours of heat also stretched back to the days of the kliq, when Hunter was disliked by association with Shawn Michaels. But do they hate each other, is there really a big beef between Taker and Hunter? No. They worked together, and hung out together, at various points in the Attitude Era. The Game put The Deadman over at WrestleMania 17, and they both opted to work with each other again at Mania 27 and Mania 28. You could see the emotional bond they had in their last ever match together. All reports indicate that they are firm friends backstage and share a ton of respect. Rumours of "hate" are bulls***.
WWE Writer

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