20 WWE Rumours About The Undertaker That Proved To Be Bulls**t

5. The Streak Would Last Forever

One of the biggest rumours of all time, was that The Undertaker's WrestleMania undefeated streak would last forever. Fans were convinced that the backstage plan was for Taker to retire with the streak intact. Even the suggestion that he could lose it, made fans spit blood. I did a feature in 2013 explaining why the streak would one day end, which fans responded to by saying that it was set in stone that he'd be retiring undefeated. The hot rumour was that it was agreed backstage that he'd never lose the streak. But then he did lose. The streak was gone, and the fans who had "inside knowledge" that Taker would one day retire undefeated, well, they were full of bulls***.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.