20 WWE Rumours About The Undertaker That Proved To Be Bulls**t

3. The Undertaker Retired At WrestleMania 30

With The Undertaker having lost at WrestleMania 30, many fans figured that was it, career over. Even some insiders reported that the loss had been booked because Undertaker figured he was done as an active performer. The rumour was that he'd retired, doing the time honoured tradition of putting his opponent over on the way out. But that wasn't the case. Not only was he going to wrestle again, but he came back better than ever. His performances in 2015 have been indicative of a man who has rolled the years back. It is almost as if letting the burden of the streak go has empowered him. It has been half a decade since he was this active in WWE, and he looks to be in fantastic shape. Far from being retired, he looks like he's got a couple more years yet.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.