20 WWE Rumours About The Undertaker That Proved To Be Bulls**t

15. Undertaker Sometimes Played The Kane Character

Some people really did believe that Mark Calaway donned the red costume and Kane mask on some occasions. Physically, both Kane and Taker looked the same. If Calaway did put the full red bodysuit and mask on, it is conceivable that he could have had a shot as Kane at some points in the nineties. Obviously, this would have only applied to segments in which Kane and Taker weren't on screen together. Is there any proof that he filled in for Glenn Jacobs on some occasions? Nope. So for that reason, this deserves filing away in the BS rumour file. Maybe some fans got confused when looking back at photos of the time Taker donned the Kane gear for a Raw segment. But in that case, the big reveal happened straight away.
WWE Writer

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