20 WWE Ruthless Aggression Era Stars You Totally Don't Remember

18. The Highlanders

Rory and Robbie McAllister seemed out of place on the WWE roster. Their cheesy Scottish gimmick would have been more at home during the 1980's or early-90's, not coming after the 'Attitude' Era had amped up the realism. In many ways, 'The Highlanders' would have been ideal heels to oppose The British Bulldogs, or even The Bushwhackers in bygone eras. Perhaps for that very reason, the team weren't a great success during their 3-year stint on the main roster. The vignettes which aired before their first appearances hinted at comedy, which is something WWE could have worked on. Instead of capitalising on any natural goofy babyface reaction, the company seemed to want the team to be aggressive heels. The whole ordeal just made it difficult for fans to care. The Highlanders did challenge for the WWE Tag-Team Titles on several occasions, but they'd never be handed a chance to hold the gold. A lot of fans seem to forget the Scots existed, mainly because the writing staff rarely had a clue what to do with them. Neither was ever given a singles run in the company either, and both left WWE together in 2008.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.