20 WWE Wrestlers With The Best Win Percentage Records

Number one may shock you.

Bayley happy WWE

If we asked you to name WWE's most prolific winners, the first names that would come to mind are probably the likes of Hulk Hogan, Triple H and The Undertaker.

But what if we told you that none of those three make it on to the list of the company's 20 wrestlers with the best all-time win/loss records, replaced instead by a female wrestler still a couple of years shy of 30 and a man who recently decided to quit because of a lack of main event opportunities?

It turns out that everything we thought we knew about wrestling business was totally wrong. The 'King of Kings' isn't a selfish worker after all, while Hogan - though he may have some unsavoury views out of the ring - loved nothing more than to help younger talent get over with the crowd inside it.

OK, so that's probably pushing it, but it's surprising to see that some of WWE's lesser known stars ended their careers with the sort of numbers you would associate with limelight-hogging main event mega-stars.

Just one quick note: this list - sourced from ProFightDB - will only take into account wrestlers who have fought at least 25 matches. That explains why undefeated Asuka isn't included.

20. John Cena - 77.6%

Bayley happy WWE

There will be no Vince Russo-style swerve here: Big Match John makes the list as you would justifiably expect, although at 20 he's perhaps slightly lower than some people might have predicted.

This doesn't tell the whole story, in truth. It's less the amount of matches that Cena has won than it is those head-scratching occasions when he's gone over wrestlers who needed victory much more than he did. The likes of Bray Wyatt, Damien Sandow, and Rey Mysterio all spring to mind immediately, as do all five members of the Nexus - most of whose names we've now forgotten thanks to their SummerSlam 2010 humiliation.

To be fair, Cena's incredible match record - comprised of some 1,007 wins from 1,302 matches - owes as much to his being booked as a never-say-die Superman as it does his incredible longevity. Few others before him have enjoyed such an enduring run, and nearly all of it was spent in and around the main event scene too (which generally means longer, more punishing matches).

Love him or hate him, you have to admit he's a workhorse.

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