21 Rare Kane Photos You Need To See

Whether under the mask or over-the-top without it, Kane is one of WWE's longest running characters for a reason.

Kane Fire
Kane is one of the most enduring characters in WWE history. Ever since making his debut as The Undertaker's storyline brother in October, 1997, Kane hasn't looked back, and has been a part of the promotion's output ever since. The man behind the persona, Glenn Jacobs, hasn't always been hot on the lips of wrestling fans for the right reasons. Longtime fans will remember the man's other guises in WWF/WWE, most notable as Isaac Yankem D.D.S and the 'Fake' Diesel. Such characters have since passed into folklore, but it's nonetheless fascinating to look back on old footage of a WWE stalwart struggling as a curious mid-card attraction. Since being brought in to feud with The Undertaker in '97, Kane has had one hell of a run. Not only did he capture the Heavyweight Title, but the character has also held the Tag-Team Titles and Intercontinental Title, among others. Looking back on the career of Kane, and the life of Glenn Jacobs, yields some spectacular pictures. Take a look at some of the most rare photographs from the man's career thus far. Some moments are captured from rivalries you'll recognise, whilst other will be completely new.

21. Going Back Under The Mask


Eventually, WWE would reinvent Kane in 2011, putting the character back under a mask.

Incredibly, the company almost pushed the reset button on Jacobs, forcing him to go back to the cold-hearted monster he had played upon his debut.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.