21 Things You Probably Missed From WWE Raw (May 17)

WWE crack penis jokes; Raw star gets "badly burned"; Ricochet getting a new gimmick?

Drew McIntyre

That wasn't the best episode of Raw, and it wasn't great follow-up from WrestleMania Backlash.

Most of the hate directed towards WWE's flagship seems to boil down to something like, "It's too long". That's fair, but there is often some good stuff hiding beneath the surface on Monday nights. This week had a solid Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair match and a fun Sheamus vs. Ricochet effort, for example.

Neither could haul the show above mediocrity though. The good news? It still had bags of hidden moments worth documenting here. Amongst other things, Raw teased a new name for MVP and Bobby Lashley's union, hinted at a (potentially-awkward) fresh direction for Ricochet, gave put-upon play-by-play man Adnan Virk some revenge and erm...made referees look harder than Reginald.

There were a few minor injuries to report too. No less than two superstars hurt their knees mid-match - one of them suffered a nasty gash on his face, and another wrestler landed head-first during a scary bump that was totally avoidable.

WWE also scripted a penis joke for one "lucky" worker, because of course they did. Here's everything you probably missed from the latest edition...

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.