21 Wrestlers With The Most WWE Raw Matches

5. Triple H - 379 Matches

Few people will be surprised to see Triple H so high on this list. He debuted with the WWE in 1995, quickly gaining prominence as a member of D-Generation X in 1997. By 1998 he was one of the biggest singles stars, and by 1999 he was the WWF Champion. From that point on, he's never really been away as a Raw main eventer. It wasn't until 2010 that he really started appearing less as active wrestler. There's been numerous famous Triple H matches on Raw. His 22nd September 1997 match with Cactus Jack is a Raw classic, remembered for Hunter taking a piledriver through a table and on to the stage. He's also wrestled Chris Benoit in an Ironman match on Raw, and was responsible for Kane's unmasking in a Raw match that took place in Madison Square Garden.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.