21 Wrestlers With The Most WWE Raw Matches

3. Randy Orton - 393 Matches

The Viper Randy Orton has been one of WWE's most consistently pushed stars in the last decade. In fact, there's only been one man pushed more, and he's one place above Orton on this list. Randy has always been a solid worker, so utilising him in a lot of Raw matches was smart. His first really big year was 2004, which included a World Title win over Chris Benoit at SummerSlam. There was a year on Smackdown in 2005, but he was back on Raw in 2006, and has consistently wrestled there ever since. However, fans aren't always too keen on Orton's television matches, which have been described as methodical and boring. At times that has been part of his act, but other times it has been like he's going through the motions. Aged 35, he's got many more Raw matches in him, and could conceivably top this list if he sticks around full time into the next decade.
WWE Writer

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