21 Wrestlers With The Most WWE Raw Matches

18. Billy Gunn - 187 Matches

Billy Gunn is one of those entertaining Raw wrestlers who traversed the generations. He was with the WWF from 1993, the year that Raw first started. Competing as part of The Smokin' Gunns he was a regular Raw competitor, then in 1997 he formed a team with Road Dogg which got both men over as Monday Night Raw staples. Dubbed the New Age Outlaws, they had several entertaining feuds, before becoming a part of D Generation X in 1998. That took Gunn to yet another level of prominence, and there was even talk of breaking him away as a top singles competitor. He ended up winning King Of The Ring 1999, but ultimately went nowhere. By 2002, he was still on Raw, but pretending to be in a homosexual relationship with Chuck Palumbo. His career was well and truly on the way out. After a year on Smackdown, he was let go in 2005, despite being one of the longest tenured wrestlers on the WWE roster. He's had a few minor in-ring comebacks with WWE between 2012 and 2015, but the majority of his 187 Raw matches came in that initial decade.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.