This week's Impact Wrestling show was one of the more consistent in recent weeks, rebounding from Slammiversary's momentum and setting up some interesting possibilities for the company's future, depending on how long its tenure on Destination America actually lasts. To its credit, the show featured a ton more wrestling than laboured storytelling, and in particular gave Rockstar Spud probably the best match of his TNA career so far. It may have been missing a number of key talents, but the roster it did have put on a solid show. Whether the ratings will reflect this, though, remains to be seen. As ever, though, there are those bewilderingly funny and cringe-worthy moments that define just about any major wrestling show, with TNA being no exception...
21. The Desperate Attempts To Get #NoSurrender Trending
Fans are already upset enough that No Surrender hasn't been a fully-fledged TNA pay-per-view event for the last three years, instead taking place as an uninspired "TV special", so Josh Matthews' efforts to sell the show's glitz and glamour really didn't go over at all. He said, "We invite all of you to get #NoSurrender trending worldwide", which just doesn't seem very realistic, but hey, at least Josh didn't lie about it actually trending worldwide like he did at Slammiversary...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.