21 WTF Moments From WCPW Loaded Episode 2

16. It's Miller O'Clock!

Prince Ameen Joseph Conners
WCPW/Oli Sandler

Our first trip into the weird and wonderful mind of Mr Simon Miller this week where he messed up one of the most famous rasslin' commentary phrases of all time.

Remember when Good Ol' JR used to say "bleeding like a stuck pig?" Well, I stole that and used it as my own to describe Drake after the Geordie bled at the hands of The Primate.

In response to me, Miller asks "what does a STUFFED pig bleed like?" This was despite the pair of us getting a lecture from our producer - yes we really have one of those - before we did the commantary for episode two about the differences between a stuck pig and a stuffed one.

Sometimes, there are no words for certain WTF Moments... the moment itself is enough without elaborating on it at all.

So with that, let's move on to the next point.

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.