21 WTF Moments From WCW Nitro (Feb 9th, 1998)

12. Jericho Is The Best Heel In WCW

Most of the time the nWo come out on Nitro they're not really trying to be villains, they're playing to the crowd or trying to be cool, whereas Chris Jericho is so great at being an unlikeable bastard. After Juventud Guerrera beats El Dandy, Jericho comes out to attack him and when Juvi gets the better of him, Y2J rolls out of the ring, grabs the mic and says "I was coming out here to congratulate you and you attacked me". The El Paso crowd booed him out of the building. Jericho proceeded to cut a promo at the camera rather than go in and fight The Juice. It was tremendous.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.