21 WTF The Undertaker Moments That Shocked WWE

6. Killing Muhammad Hassan

This one was really out there, especially when you consider the political and international landscape of 2005. WWE actually had the balls / stupidity to create a Muslim heel character. They then scripted Muhammad Hassan to attack The Undertaker on Smackdown, with a bunch of terrorist style soldiers. It was appallingly bad taste, even more so when the London bombings then happened that very same week. The TV Networks were furious, so they told WWE that Hassan had to go. So what did WWE do? They booked The Undertaker to deliver a Last Ride off the stage on Hassan, at the Great Amberican Bash 2005. This slam sent the heel several feet down on to concrete. The implication was that The Undertaker had just killed a muslim terrorist on an American themed pay per view.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.