21 WWE Matches That Almost Got 5 Stars

16. Triple H Vs. Steve Austin (No Way Out 2001)

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We've all had dispute with a coworker. They don't like that you're ranked above them, so they run you over with a car, take you out of action for a year, you swear revenge, and everything is settled in a bloody grudge match. Mondays, amirite?

To cap off the infamous "Austin hit by a car" storyline, Stone Cold and Triple H settled the score once and for all in a 3 Stages of Hell match. This stipulation, popular in many SmackDown: Here Comes the Pain sessions, consisted of a straight wrestling fall, a street fight, and a steel cage match. Hunter and Steve proceeded to beat the tar out of each other, bloodying each other until neither man was able to stand. Most remember this one fondly, as it showcased the strengths of both men: Austin's intensity and Hunter's in-ring psychology.

However, this match's high rating is a point of controversy, as some are turned off by the 39 minute length (in the middle of the PPV, no less). Still, if you can stomach that length, you'll see there's some fantastic violence and storytelling to be found in this Attitude Era gem.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.