22 WTF Moments From WWE Attitude Era Raw 1998 (Jan 5)

10. Bearer Misses Kane. A Lot.

Sorry Kane fans, but the Big Red machine doesn't actually appear on this Raw. He does get mentioned, however, by a distraught Paul Bearer, who cuts a typically unsettling promo begging for Kane back. The monster has gone missing, torn between his allegiance to Bearer and 'Taker. It seems a little redundant to include a Bearer promo as a 'WTF Moment'; one tends to expect a lot of 'WTF'ery whenever Paul grabs a microphone. This segment only reinforces the fact that he's one of the most colourful, captivating managers in the history of the business. We miss you, big guy.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.