22 WTF Vince McMahon Moments

19. Making Trish Stratus Bark Like A Dog

One of the most uncomfortable in-ring segments in WWE history saw Trish Stratus calling Vince to the ring after he humiliated her the previous week by having Stephanie cover her in dirty mop water. After Vince comes out, Trish surprises everyone by actually apologising to Vince and begging him to let her make everything up to him. Vince is skeptical and wants Trish to prove to him how she's sorry. At this point, he orders her to get on her hands and knees like a dog, before insisting she bark into the microphone. Vince then tells Trish that he's seen her on all fours before, and that if she's really sorry she'll take her clothes off. Trish then strips down to her underwear, and Vince orders her to remove her bra too, but just before she's about to drop it, Vince stops her, and in a move that makes Vince simultaneously a face and a heel, he spares Trish further humiliation by telling her that the fans have "seen enough of" her. Vince covers her up with a jacket, Trish says he has no idea how far she'd degrade herself for the right cause, and Vince sends her back to the locker room. The whole 10-minute segment makes most fans' skin crawl, an embarrassing reminder of Vince's ego run amok, and it's pretty sad that Trish had to go along with it for the benefit of her career, but at least everything worked out for her in the end.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.